quarta-feira, 25 de junho de 2014


I was thinking...

God can´t be good...

Some kind of situations and sufferings should not be allowed...

The amount of desgrace is too higher...

Why would him allow this to happen....

Are we simply throw in the universe?!

quarta-feira, 18 de junho de 2014

Passion's Tricks

The nature has its own ways to arrange its balance...

The passion for instance is the trick that consist to blind two persons in order that a child could arise...

Otherwise the reason would not allow once the pains and problems of a pregnancy are to much...

But what astonish me more is how the passion correspond to the antithesis of the reason...

One passion mind are out of its properties...He doesn't act reasonable...It is like a drug...

But the ultimate question is: Is this "drug" a good or a bad way to act and see the world?!?

terça-feira, 17 de junho de 2014

The good life?!?

I was wondering with myself how I intend to live if I was a retired and single...

At a first glance I stayed horrified to stand a 24 hours without any goal...mainly if it was to live in my currently city, a land of elders standing in plazas doing nothing but chatting...

In the past I used to be an sportsman but life grabs me to be a merchant so that I gradually lose my essence...

Nevertheless I figure that the good life will be a mix of nature sports like surf, open swimming, climbing, slake line, standup paddle, biking, jiu jitsu, chess...

to be continued...

quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2014

mathematic of love

1 - valantines day
2 - appointment signed
3 - first call done
4 - first postpone
5 - second call done
6 - turn the whats of
7 - waiting to analyse the excuse

domingo, 8 de junho de 2014

Iniciativa X Dúvida

  Uma vez escutei de um cliente meu, uma perspectiva interessante: diante do dilema em se obter um resultado negativo para determinada iniciativa, não agir; é um argumento facilmente refutável, na medida em que o NÃO você já tem, assim sendo, o SIM é lucro. Não havendo assim, motivo para não agir.